Membership Information
As set forth in the By-Laws of our organization, there are three levels of membership available:
All graduates of the La Porte Citizen Police Academy and members of the La Porte Police Department Organization are members of the Association, free to attend meetings, presentations and events. Members do not have any voting privileges unless dues are paid in full.
Active Member
An Active Member shall be any person who is a graduate of the La Porte Citizen Police Academy or a member of the La Porte Police Department Organization, and is current with Association dues. Only Active Members shall have full voting privileges, can occupy an elected or appointed office, and participate in the general business activities of the Association.
Honorary Member
A membership shall be open to any person nominated by the Executive Board and approved by a majority vote of the membership at a regular meeting. They are free to attend meetings, presentations and events. Honorary Members do not have voting privileges and may not be elected or appointed to an office.
Membership Application / Renewal Form
Click here to download the form. Membership dues help support all the programs of the LPCPAAA and directly benefit the La Porte community.
A Single membership is $24 annually, or for a Family of 2 the membership rate is $40 annually. Lifetime membership is $200.
No person shall be denied membership in this association because of race, religion, sex, disability, or ethnic background.